SAS PTA Constitution


1.1 The name of the association shall be St. Andrew’s School Brunei Parent Teacher Association, hereinafter referred to as SAS-PTA.

1.2 The registered address of the PTA will be SAS PTA c/o St. Andrew’s School, P O Box 780, Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam BS8761.


2.1 To provide a forum and service for the welfare, development and progress of the teachers and students in the school.
2.2 To raise funds for specific cause, both charitable and educational.
2.3 To assist in the funding of, after formal request, certain causes, both charitable and educational.
2.4 To assist in matters relating to the general activities of school.
2.5 To foster relationships between the teachers, parents and others associated with the school.


3.1 Parents/legal guardians of all SAS students and all SAS teachers are automatically members of the PTA.
3.2 When a child leaves the school during the year, then the parents/guardians shall be deemed to cease as members of the PTA forthwith.
3.3 The Chairperson of the PTA shall be a parent of the school.


4.1 The Executive Committee members of the PTA shall be elected at the AGM.
4.2 The term of service for executive committee members is for two years and will lapse automatically when a new executive committee is elected.
4.3 The elected Executive Committee shall then elect the officers by voting, at or before the first committee meeting after the AGM.
4.4 Vacancies on the Executive Committee may be filled by the Executive Committee by appointment. The appointed persons shall serve only the remaining time that the original executive committee member would have served.
4.5 The Executive Committee may appoint subcommittees as it deems necessary and shall prescribe their functions provided that all acts and proceedings of any such sub-committees shall be reported back to the Executive Committee as soon as possible.


5.1 The Management of the PTA shall be vested in the Executive Committee consisting of the following

Chairperson (parent), Vice Chairperson (teacher), Honorary Secretary (teacher), Honorary Treasurer (parent) together with up to 7 other members, (1) Lower Primary, (1) Upper Primary and (1) Secondary (1) other teacher, plus (3) from parents.
5.2 The Chairperson will convene and conduct the meetings of the PTA and shall be empowered to make a final decision (in consultation and with approval of the school) on all matters raised at such meetings and insofar as it is allowed under this Constitution and the Education (PTA) Order.
5.3 The Principal shall be the Advisor of the PTA.


6.1 The Executive Committee shall normally meet once a term during the academic year at such times and places as the Executive Committee shall decide. Extra meetings of the Executive Committee may be held at the discretion of the Chairperson.
6.2 Seven members of the Executive Committee, which must include at least two Executive Committee Officers, shall constitute a quorum.
6.3 Notwithstanding 6.2 above, at the chairperson’s discretion, an executive committee meeting may proceed with fewer than seven committee members but never fewer than five.
6.4 Prior to any decision under 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4 above, the Board of Governors and the Principal must be consulted and approval obtained. The PTA is not to undertake any capital project without the express consent of the Board and the Principal.
6.5 The Principal of SAS shall be invited to attend committee meetings, or he/she nominates a representative on his/her behalf to attend.


7.1 The Annual General Meeting of the PTA shall be held once a year.
7.2 The Secretary shall give, to all registered members, seven days notice of the AGM.
7.3 Notice of the AGM will contain the agenda and motions for the meeting and the minutes of the previous AGM.
7.4 A quorum of thirty members shall be required for the AGM to take place. If this quorum cannot be achieved, the meeting will be postponed.


8.1 An extraordinary meeting of the PTA may be called when no fewer than twenty members give written notice to the chairperson of their intention to call such a meeting. In this circumstance, notice is required seven days’ prior to the proposed meeting.
8.2 The agenda and motions to be put before the EGM shall be circulated to all registered members beforehand.


9.1 The Executive Committee may disseminate information by email, post, notice board or any combination to all registered members of the PTA.


10.1 The PTA is a non-profit making body and all funds raised or held by the PTA are solely used for meeting the objectives of the PTA.
10.2 All elected members and appointed or elected officials act in an Honorary capacity, and no member of the PTA shall receive any renumerations, or other than refund of previously-authorised expenditures.
10.3 All monies of the PTA shall be deposited in a current account of a bank in Negara Brunei Darussalam. The bank account shall be in the official name of the PTA.
10.4 Any two(2) of the following signatories are required for the operation of the account: (a) Chairperson, (b) Vice Chairperson, (c) Secretary, (d) Treasurer.
10.5 The Honorary Treasurer shall be responsible for keeping account of all income and expenditure. The accounts should be approved by the Chairperson and the Honorary Secretary of the Executive Committee and then duly audited, submitted to the AGM for adoption by the members.
10.6 The PTA’s financial year shall be from January to December.


11.1 An honorary auditor who is not a member of the PTA shall be appointed by the Executive Committee for a term of two years.
11.2 The Honorary Auditor shall be required to audit the accounts annually and to submit a report prior to the AGM of the PTA for the year.
11.3 The auditor’s report should be attached to the annual accounts presented to the members at the AGM.


12.1 No alteration to this Constitution shall be proposed or adopted by the members except at an AGM or an EGM and with prior written approval of the Board of Governors of SAS.
12.2 Alterations to the Constitution shall receive the assent of two-thirds of the registered members present and voting at an AGM or EGM.


13.1 The PTA may be dissolved by a resolution presented at an EGM called for this purpose. The dissolution must have the assent of two-thirds of those present and voting.
13.2 All assets remaining on dissolution of the PTA after satisfying any outstanding debts and liabilities shall be given to SAS for the benefit of the students of the school within the stated objects of the PTA.


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