3 September, 2014
Saturday, August 30, 2014
FAILURE can be a bitter pill to swallow and sometimes, picking yourself up after falling down can be a hard proposition to make.
Everyone has experienced failures and setbacks in their lives, at least once, and from it comes gems in the form of lessons that can be shared with others who are experiencing difficulties in recovering, and achieving success, from failure.
With this in mind, The Brunei Times took to the streets to ask the public to share their own experiences in recovering from failure.
Hilman Ramli, 26 years old, Jobseeker
“Let me share a story. I failed the first semester of my course in university. I talked it out with my brother, family and friends about it. I also solicited advice from the seniors in the course on how to conduct my studies. All of this was to recover my confidence in myself and to continue forward. I just kept working hard, I didn’t give up and aimed for a better result next time and I succeeded.”
Alfred (left), 19 years old, Maktab Duli Student
“Try to learn from your previous mistakes and seek help from friends and family to keep your motivation up. It will lead to success in the end as long as you persevere.”
Amin (right), 19 years old, Maktab Duli Stundet
“After getting a U in a certain subject last year, I asked for motivation and help from my teacher. With practice, revisions, help from my teacher and prayers for help, I managed to pass.”
Pcyh, 26 years old, employee of livewelle
“Growth can only come from failure. From personal experience, it gives a sense of freedom in a way that you can only go up from there. As long as you persevere, keep trying and don’t see failure as something to be ashamed about but as a gift that you can use to learn and grow from, you will eventually succeed and reap the rewards from it.”
Md Faiz, 19 tahun, Penuntut Pusat, Latihan Mekanikal (Kiri)
“Jangan cuba mengatasi kegagalan sendiri. Adalah lebih senang jika kita mencari sokongan dari rakan-rakan sebaya atau sekerja. Sebab kalau kita cuba untuk mengatasinya sendiri, adakalanya berat beban kegagalan itu akan menyebakan kita hilang motivasi.”
Clement, 20 tahun Penuntut Pusat Latihan Mekanial (Tengah)
“Mintalah nasihat dan pengajaran dari keluarga dan kawan-kawan. Minta bantuan dari mereka jika merasa susah untuk berdiri kembali.”
Hanif, 20 tahun, Penuntut Pusat Latihan Mekanikal (Kanan)
“Saya menyokong apa yang rakan saya telah katakan, hanya ingin menambah, beban kegagalan, jika dikongsi besama, lebih ringan dipikul. Juga, berdoalah agar kita mendapat kejayaan bila kita mencuba lagi.”